小さな紫の手作りのリサイクルされたガラスオーナメントの友情の心【楽天海外直送】 - Small Purple Handmade Recycled Glass Ornamental Friendship Heart
Small Purple Handmade Recycled Glass Ornamental Friendship HeartThese beautiful Friendship Hearts are mouth blown from recycled glass.Friendship Hearts are traditionally known as symbols of friendship and can be given as a gift to express affection or love.As each one is handcrafted, no two are the same, just as the special bond that binds two friends together, is unique.They are the perfect gift for loved ones on all occasions including Christmas, Birthdays, Valentines Day,Bridesmaid Gifts, Friendship Gifts, Thank You Gifts, Leaving Gifts and Anniversary Gifts! Each Heart is supplied with a ribbon & swing tagexplaining the history of Friendship Hearts!At the end of their working day, the glass blowers would use up the leftover molten glass by blowing these small ornamental globes to be given as tokens of love and friendship on special occasions. This ancient tradition is still carried on today!These beautiful & decorative Friendship Globes can be hung in a window to stream coloured light into a room or hung outside in trees to add more colour to a garden.Available in 6 different colours:Multicolour - Red - White - Purple - Pink - BlueDimensions: 7cm x 6.5cm x 4cm Weight: 55gramsDimensions: 7.5 x 7 x 5 centimetres (0.07 kg)------------------------------------ 当店は、アメリカ カリフォルニアを本店とする海外ショップです。
「伝票番号の追跡サイトへの反映には10日程度かかります」 当店のカード決済代行会社は Rakuten Commerce LLC です。
- 商品価格:3,775円
- レビュー件数:0件
- レビュー平均:0.0
FRIENDS 関連ツイート
RT @gomieru: 1RTにつきヴィラン・キスキルリラを1体作ります https://t.co/KaF6CqYnWe
@yuno_friends 2018/09/17 21:36
RT @poke_times: #サマンサタバサ のブランド「COLORS & chouette」から、おしゃれなコラボバッグが登場です👜✨
@blackgrx130 2018/09/17 21:32
RT @_iroakustarih: わたくしが夢にまでみたカッパドキア、ギョレメ地区と気球です。夢みたいでこれは本当に絶景。写真じゃ伝わらない。 https://t.co/wVYjGerw1P
@hikare_friends 2018/09/17 21:40
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