
DENIALThe Unspeakable Truth【電子書籍】[ Keith Kahn-Harris ]

DENIALThe Unspeakable Truth【電子書籍】[ Keith Kahn-Harris ]

<p>The holocaust never happened. The planet isn't warming. Vaccines harm children. The Earth is flat. Denialism comes in many forms, often dressed in the garb of scholarship. It's certainly insidious, but what if, as Kahn-Harris asks, it actually cloaks much darker, unspeakable, desires? If denialists could speak from the heart, what would we hear? Kahn-Harris sets out to expose what lies at the heart of denialism. The conclusions he reaches are shocking. In a world of 'fake news', are the denialists about to secure victory?</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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税込価格 1,062円

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